On the trail of Sultan Moulay Ismail
Morocco Barnaby Rogerson Morocco Barnaby Rogerson

On the trail of Sultan Moulay Ismail

It was shopping that first inclined me towards an interest in Islam, though it must be said that the lupine line of hassling touts that in the old days awaited the visitor immediately outside the old Tangier dock gates did their best to keep the secret well-springs of their faith well hidden.

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Morocco Barnaby Rogerson Morocco Barnaby Rogerson

Souk shopping in Tangier

It was shopping that first inclined me towards an interest in Islam, though it must be said that the lupine line of hassling touts that in the old days awaited the visitor immediately outside the old Tangier dock gates did their best to keep the secret well-springs of their faith well hidden.

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The Battle of the Three Kings
Morocco Barnaby Rogerson Morocco Barnaby Rogerson

The Battle of the Three Kings

On June 17th 1578 the young King Dom Sebastian of Portugal attended a service in the cathedral, where he was presented with a new standard embroidered with an imperial crown.  For it was assumed that the dignity of the Kingdom of Portugal would ascend ever higher and he would become the first Christian Emperor of Morocco.

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