Selected articles
A brave bitch
A cold shudder struck us both and we raced to the cliff edge walking along it, staring down at the shingle beach about 80 feet down a steeply sloping ridged drop.
Close to home: Suffolk coast
The coast is everywhere, for the five estuary fingers of Suffolk extend deep inland to grip the county like a tenacious claw.
From St Swithun’s tomb to The Old Man of Wilmington: Barnaby Rogerson & author Mary Miers on the South Downs Way
The ‘whole-wayers’ were often alone, male, and possibly over-equipped with maps, carbon-fibre sticks and backpacks.
Like Lambs to the Slaughter - Old Roads and New Ways
A drove road was not just for driving rural meat to the urban marketplace, but for thousands of years was part of the seasonal rhythm of the British Isles, as the black cattle moved to the summer pastures in the Highlands and moved back down to the lowlands in the winter.
Dog Days in the capital: My Week
We stumbled upon our most unexpected discovery at the end of a long march through Grovelly Woods on a gloomy, rain-sodden track that the map had enticingly labelled a Roman road.
A Modern Pilgrimage
We stumbled upon our most unexpected discovery at the end of a long march through Grovelly Woods on a gloomy, rain-sodden track that the map had enticingly labelled a Roman road.
Walking the New River
A barbed wire fence stopped me crossing the railway line, the other side of which was the banks of the Lee. We had reached the end.