Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Writer's Talk: Writing about Islam

I have got used to spotting that eyebrow flicker of incredulity when I meet Muslim writers and they hear that I have written a biography of the Prophet Muhammad

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Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Looking for a hero for all mankind

I have striven to talk and write about the Prophet as a heroic figure for all mankind to cherish - not just for those who define themselves as Muslims.

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Wraps up our world in ribbons of faith
Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Wraps up our world in ribbons of faith

The public call to prayer that echoes out from the minarets of all the great mosques of Islam is like a circular beacon that wraps up our world in ribbons of faith.

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Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Osama’s T-shirt and the Prophet’s Mantle

In 1998 Osama spun completely out of control. He went ‘global’, calling for a pan-Islamic International Front and arranged for forty Taliban ‘scholars’ to back a fatwa sanctioning the killing of Americans and Jews.

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Dreaming of the Caliphate
Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Dreaming of the Caliphate

I switched back to reality - to watch Japanese televisions, Korean freezers and Chinese dishwashers being loaded onto American trucks by units of the Iraq army driving through the streets of Kuwait in European-made armoured cars.

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Barnaby Rogerson Barnaby Rogerson

Nineteen Islamic Numbers

It is an act of piety to collect together the forty most personally relevant hadith from the thousands that have been assembled.

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