Pilgrims to the Mountain
Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

Pilgrims to the Mountain

The carvings of gods and heroes that King Antiochus had commissioned to adorn this mountain have now been weathered by two thousand years of winter snow and the fierce heat of summer.

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Gobekli-Tepe: The Oldest Temple on Earth?
Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

Gobekli-Tepe: The Oldest Temple on Earth?

So what was Gobekli-tepe? The stones have already been linked with aliens, refugees from the drowned island of Atlantis, Noah's flood, the lost paradise of Eden and more plausibly as places of astronomical observation.

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Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

A Goddess Clothed

'By Hercules' he exclaims, 'What slender hips! How delicately moulded the buttocks! How sweetly they smile!'

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Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

Houses of Bodrum

One of Sans's first laws is the retention of all existing trees. This immediately integrates the new houses in their landscape, respects the spirit of the place, provides vital summer shade and in springtime bathes the nascent buildings in the odoriferous blossom of mature citrus trees.

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Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

Travelling with Children: Turkey

If this had been England, there would have been frowns, but it was Turkey, a land where smartly dressed businessmen all wanted to pat and kiss the babies just as much as all the stewards and stewardesses did.

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Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

Night Train from Stamboul

One door of the station bar opens onto the platform – where the blue sleeper carriages silently await their passengers – while from a lower door you can look directly out over the waters of the Bosphorus.

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Turkey Barnaby Rogerson Turkey Barnaby Rogerson

The Turkish shore

All this meticulous advance preparation is entirely necessary while you are in England but melts away once you are afloat on Turkish waters.

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