A trip to Cairo
Egypt Barnaby Rogerson Egypt Barnaby Rogerson

A trip to Cairo

In Cairo a blind man can smell what month it is through the scent of the squeezed fruit juices. We hit the end of the mango season but were plumb in the middle of guava and tamarind and at the beginning of bitter orange.

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Sailing Down the Nile
Egypt Barnaby Rogerson Egypt Barnaby Rogerson

Sailing Down the Nile

Following in the wake of Anthony and Cleopatra as they sailed down the Nile can set up dangerously high expectations.

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Western Desert of Egypt
Egypt Barnaby Rogerson Egypt Barnaby Rogerson

Western Desert of Egypt

I had to pinch myself time and time again to check that I was not in a dream as I swam in the spring-fed pool of Cleopatra

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