China Tea in Gibraltar
Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson

China Tea in Gibraltar

For a skilled submariner could piggy-back his way through any surveillance, by waiting patiently and then tagging its way along by following (a bit like a limpet) underneath a noisy ship.

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Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson

Be a Traveller in an Antique Land - Cyprus

On this varied landscape is reflected an extraordinarily rich architectural heritage of Gothic cathedrals, Venetian fortresses, Roman Mosaics, Ottoman minarets, Crusader castles, Ptolemaic tombs, Bronze Age sanctuaries and British postboxes which all stand in surprising harmony.

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Garrison Library at Gibraltar
Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson Mediterranean Barnaby Rogerson

Garrison Library at Gibraltar

It was at the shelves of the Garrison Library that I first learned about the last crusade led by the doomed boy-king of Portugal, about the loss of 'English Tangier' to Sultan Moulay Ismail and about the heroic defence of the Rock itself against the combined forces of France and Spain in the dark years of the American War of Independence.

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